Welcome to Leon Taub’s Musical Home

Here’s the way this site works for songs:

1. Click on the Songs tab, and a list of Song Categories appears.

  1. 2.Click on a Song Category, and a list of Song Titles appears.

  1. 3.Click on a Song Title, and the Lyrics of the song appears.

  1. 4.Click the Play button, and enjoy!

Here’s the way this site works for musicals:

  1. 1.Click on the Musicals tab, and a list of Musical Shows appears.

  1. 2.Select a Musical Number or a Complete Show, and playback controls appear.

3. Click the Play button, sit back, and enjoy!

Here’s the way this site works for instrumental compositions:

  1. 1.Click on the Ensemble tab, and a list of Compositions appears.

2. Select a Composition, and playback controls appear.

  1. 3.Click the Play button, and enjoy!