mod_uwa installation

mod_uwa provides an easy-to-use ldap group Web Authorization capability for an Apache web server.

  1. Acquire the prerequisites
  2. Install the module
  3. Authorize your server to LDAP
  4. Configure your system


You will need these associated products. Most of these are available in normal unix distributions.

Build and install the module

  1. Get the current uwa module.
  2. Extract the file contents into a directory.
  3. cd to the directory.
  4. Check the configuration information in: ldaplib.h. It should be correct for University of Washington sites.
  5. Configure and make. Note that sasl2 requires kerberos, even though your configuration may not use it. You may need to specify both --with-sasl2 and --with-krb5.

      $ configure
      $ make
      $ make install

Authorize your server to LDAP

UW sites will have to authenticate with a UW issued ssl certificate. Contact the registration site to request authorization. You will need a UW CA certificate.

If you want to use Kerberos authentication to LDAP you will also need a kerberos id and keytab for that name.

If you want to use simple authentication va SSL to LDAP you will only need a password attribute for that name.

Configure your system

See the module configuration documentation.