(Please put an abstract describing the data set here.
This metadata template was created using fgdcmeta.aml. You can edit it using a text editor or a metadata editor such as xtme. You should check your edits using other metadata tools such as mp. Parentheses indicate where data are to be entered or contain suggested values for that field. Replace the statements in parentheses with your information. If you are not sure what to enter in a field, consult the FGDC Metadata Standard available at the URL below. You can also access this information using the xtme metadata editor menu choice Help->Element.
A text editor works well, but be careful to preserve indentation. Do not add text after a compound element heading. Any heading that is followed on the line below by an indented heading is a compound element heading, for example:
Compound_Element: This is a compound element heading. Simple_Element: This is a simple element heading.
Compound_Element: This is another compound element heading. Compound_Element: This is another compound element heading. Simple_Element: This is another simple element heading.
Add text only after a simple element heading. If the text will fit on the remainder of the line immediately after the heading, put it there, for example:
Compound_Element: This text is invalid and will be deleted by mp. Simple_Element: This single line of text is valid and will be kept.
If the text will require more than one line, place it on the line below the simple element heading, indented two spaces, for example:
Compound_Element: This text is invalid and will be deleted by mp. Simple_Element: This text is indented to go with the Simple_Element above. This entry requires more than one line.
When you use mp to generate an HTML document from your metadata file, most of the text will be re-formatted to paragraph style. Information such as tables or program code that you wish to preserve in its existing format should have a ">" symbol as the first character of the line, for example:
This line will be tagged as preformatted text.For more information on the FGDC standard, example metadata, and metadata tools, see: <URL:http://www.fgdc.gov/Metadata/Metadata.html>
Examining examples of existing metadata files is recommended!)
(Narrative describing the purpose of this data set, and perhaps a warning against inappropriate use of the data)
(Use this section to include information that does not have a place in the FGDC metadata standard.
This section should also be used to BRIEFLY summarize data sources and anything a user of the data should be aware of in a narrative form. This section, along with the "Abstract", "Purpose", and "Entity_and_Attribute_Overview" are probably the fields most accessible to humans [as opposed to search engines] so an overview is recommended.
However, details should be entered in the the metadata under the appropriate FGDC metadata elements, for example:
data sources "Lineage: -> Citation_Information" procedures "Lineage: -> Process_Step:" legal limitations "Purpose:, Use_Contraints:" Related Data Sets "Cross_References:" References "Lineage: -> Citation_Information" Review checks "Attribute_Accuracy:" "Completeness_Report:" "Positional_Accuracy:")
SITESALL.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME 1 AREA 4 12 F 3 5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3 9 SITESALL# 4 5 B - 13 SITESALL-ID 4 10 B - SCSITEID 17 SCCULCNT 4 10 I - 21 EASTING 8 16 F 3 29 NORTHING 8 16 F 3 37 CULDBID 4 10 I - 41 DBSITEID 4 10 B - 45 ESA_BASINS-ID 4 5 B - 49 WRIA 2 2 I - 51 WTRSHDID 4 5 B - 55 CNTYID 4 10 I - 59 TOWNSHIP 2 2 I - 61 RANGE 2 2 I - 63 SECTION 2 2 I -
(include your standard disclaimer here)