Updated: 22 July
New Tasks
- Upgrade MapServer and all libraries it depends on
(GDAL, Curl, etc) to the latest version; I haven't upgraded
software since the first installation in late 2003! We are using 4.0.
When upgrading, try to compile with support for WFS server &
client, PostgresSQL/PostGIS, and PDF output.
- Install Linux updates, or move Mapache to another Linux
- Have
one large Mapserver map file
(mapache.map) to hold all
definitions for all Mapache applications, where each app only uses a
subset of the layers? Or break up into app-specific map files? Probably
better to have one map file (by language). Note that I can also use the
scheme described by Matt Perry ("MapServer Include"), having layer
descriptions in individual files and using the C preprocessor to create
the final map file. http://www.perrygeo.net/wordpress/?p=54
- Fix
bug with Mozilla/Firefox browser, where the browser
remains in an active, waiting mode (hourglass cursor)
- Fix
bug with Mozilla browsers, where the metadata help window,
once opened, does not come up front when user clicks on
link for a new folder
- Create help page to
describe the use of each feature or tool in
- Map Tools
- Add an
"identify" tool
- Add a "print" tool to create a
page putting
together the map, scale bar, reference map, legend, CAEE
acknowledgments/disclaimers, data acknowledgments, a title, and time
stamp, for printing or saving.
- Change the look of
the tool icons, to be more consistent
with the
overall look
- Change Lat & Lon display to
a degree-min-sec format
- Add a measure and area
tool (see my bookmark)
- Unify
the javascript code listing layers in the <head> portion of the
main HTML file. Unify them into a separate, external .js file, where
both languages for each application (eg, Ecosystems) are in the same
listing, with some choices for the text that's actually unique to each
language (folder and layer names). This will make code maintenance WAY
- Layer
Selection & Legend
- For the Ecosystems map, display ecosystems layers by default?? Alternatively, have the Ecosystems layer folders open by default?
- In the
Layer Selection section, add buttons to open and close all layer folders
- Add ability to turn on/off all layers in a group (a check box
next to each folder icon)
- Turn a layer name gray when the
map scale is larger than the
maximum scale threshold (ie, when the layer is unavailable). This will
require parsing the layer scale thresholds, b/c they currently have
commas; this is hard! Otherwise, it'll require entering the scale
thresholds as integers without commas -- and those are less readable.
For converting text to integer, use parseInt() or Number().
- Handling
layer labels ("names"). Instead of using separate layers for labels
like we're doing now, integrate labels as a checkbox in the parent
layer, and adopting the label layer naming convention <parent
layer>_lbl. Then I'll have to addto the main Mapache layer array a
label boolean Yes/No and an element to specify the scale-threshold for
the labels; then modify tree.js to handle all this. It's all doable!
- Rework
legend, to have the ability to show legend groups and classes (in
MapServer lingo: currently Mapache displays layers only, not classes;
need to display layers or layer groups, then classes). That'll make the
legend easier to read, and will make it easier to show datasets like
CCAD Ecosystems which have multiple map units.
- Add
capability to act as OGC WMS server, to serve
layers for remote use
- Find way to handle WMS server
errors smoothly (when a WMS server we're using goes down, avoid
breaking Mapache)
- Add a feature to the Reference,
Legend, and Layer Selection
so that they can be collapsed on/off, showing only the section header
when collapsed
- Internationalization
for shape file, dbf, MapServer. Currently I
was able to display accents for some layers but not others. I don't
understand why.
- Reference map
- Use a png instead of a jpg so that text and zoom box can be sharper.
- Enable dynamic lat-lon reporting over the reference map. See the Belize BERDS Map Explorer for an example
- Add a CAEE watermark to the maps. See this MapServer how-to.
But note that there's apparently a bug, so that the watermark can't be
placed at the bottom (or bottom-right) of the map if the map size is
changed dynamically outside the map file.
- Set up a cron job in
the server to flush tmp files regularly
- Javascript code can be optimized (compression, etc) for faster download. See these articles: Time to tweak your javascript bloat and Optimizing JavaScript for Download Speed.
- Mapache doesn't work with KHTML-based browsers (Safari, Konqueror, etc); "The
image shows up in the top left corner of the browser instead of in the
image box." From Wikipedia, about KHTML vs. Gecko: "In an attempt to
render as many pages as possible, some extra abilities and quirks from
Internet Explorer are supported, even though they are notpart of the
HTML standard definition.K HTML is fast, but currently less error
tolerant than the Gecko layout engine, its main open source rival and
core of the Mozilla and Mozilla-Firefox browsers, among others."
Accessory web pages
- Mapache page (http://geo.garrobo.org/mapache/index.html): add a section on "What's new", to keep the content changing, show what we're working on.
- Use a favicon (the
little icon image next to the URL on the
- Continue adding relevant GIS links using www.connotea.org
- Google
for sites linking to us via the old URL on boto.ocean. Write to those
sites requesting that they update the URL's. Also, maybe ask Bruce/UW
to create a re-direct page in the old server?
GIS Datasets
- Major water bodies
- Major
- Topography and shaded relief
- High-resolution
shaded relief or elevation color map. Use
Derek's, or DEM from CGIAR, http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/?
If CGIAR, use Version 1 (I already have it), or Version 2?
- For elevation ranges, use STRM30 instead of GTOPO30
- Ecosystems
- CCAD Ecosystems,
individual classes
- Raster U. Maryland/AVHRR 1-km,
individual classes.
- Raster
IGBP/AVHRR 1-km, Version 2 (version 1 was used in old maps in
CAEE site). Individual and aggregate classes.
2000 (based on IGBP)
- NDVI maps
(ideally, both multi-year averages, and live data
current month, from MODIS)
- Blue
Marble Next
Generation (MODIS), all 12 months, different resolutions. Use MapServer
CGI variable substitution, to allow user to select the month!
- Other
remote-sensing derived "live" data
- Fire
hotspots: last 48 hrs, last 7 days, and historical data (2005, 2004,
2003, ...). Note that it can be mapped as either the original squares,
or as points at coarsers scales, based on the lat-lon values already
included! See the UMD Web Fire Mapper GIS Data and other products of theirs.
- GOES products: fire hotspots, cloudiness, reflectivity, etc. See the "Real-time Satellite Rainfall and Fire Products for Central America" with views and products for Central America. Write to them requesting cleaner images and/or the set up of WMS services!
- Other fire alert info: Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC). Has links to lots of systems.
- OGC Web Service providers:
- The National Map, USGS.
A possibly excellent source of data served through WMS. While the focus
is on the US, it has international datasets too: volcanoes,
earthquakes, MODIS VI's, etc.
- Refractions Research monthly OGC web service Google search and database. I've downloaded their database, which can be loaded into PostgreSQL (or MySQL?), for easy querying
- See the short list of resources and the sample MapServer map file with cascading WMS services in Matt Perry's blog entry.
While there, notice the nice use of transparency, the arrangement
(group) of layers in the map file, and the nice javascript framework
that wraps Steve Lime's Landview framework; very nice!!
- I'm currently working with biodiversity data in the experimental Mapache version. I have a connection to the Canadian CBIF WMS Server at the moment (which wraps a WMS service around GBIF data; see also this brief GBIF article about their service).
Another potentially good biodiversity WMS provider is lifemapper.org
(the web site itself doesn't say anything about it); provides layers
for both specimens and habitat maps. See Matt Perry's blog entry.
- Create legend key images for MODIS and
Landsat WMS; this is
currently a "bug", because there's a problem with Mapserver.
bug may be fixed in current versions of MapServer.
real-time: talk to the Rapid-Fire U. Maryland developers, request that
they separate the imagery product into two "layers": one that is just
the imagery, with no vector overlays (national boundaries or fire hot
spots), and another that's just a hotspots shape file (note that they
may be doing the latter already, but JPL is simply not re-broadcasting
the hotspots with WMS). Update: I sent them an email around 3/20/2006.
Tasks for Version 1 (Completed on 9 March 2006)
- Add pop-up titles to the
Scale, Map Size, Zoom to
Region, etc. DONE, 5/26/2005
- Change
the look of the panning
icons around the map.
They're ugly! DONE, 9/22/2005
- Improve
the color/font/layout
scheme in the navigation
topbar, so
it's more pleasing and consistent. DONE, 9/22/2005
- Change name of section from
"Tools" to "Map", or something
like that? DONE, 9/22/2005
- Cursor
type over the map should
change to correspond to
zoom tools,
or panning; use onmouseover instead of a hover CSS attribute, b/c IE
has bugs with the latter. DONE, 5/26/2005 (only one cursor type, though)
- Cursor type over panning triangle
icons should be more
(5/26/2005, NO; appropriate cursors are not available)
- Switch around the Legend and Layer
Selection sections?
DONE, 6/4/2005
- Change
the section headings, so
they don't lead to a help
page and
instead have informative pop-ups. DONE, 6/5/2005
- In header area, add text saying
that help can be found by hovering over section titles and individual
- Enable the
language (Espanol)
link; use a fixed URL. DONE, 9/22/2005
- Change look & "mouseover"
(hover) behavior of layer groups, for
consistency; they should react visually when the cursor is over them
- Re-do reference map image using
the current shaded relief layer
- Acknowledgments:
clean up, add a
brief disclaimer, put River
Systems Group before Software, and mention that it's an all-volunteer
- Change name of
main html page from
to ecosystems.html, for clarity (need to change other links and
javascript reference, too). DONE, 10/1/2005
- Change language subfolder names
from "eng" and "esp" to the more
standard two-character "en" and "es"; the latter are even ISO
standards, I think. DONE, 10/1/2005
- Acknowledgments:
Write disclaimer/aviso on the main page. Simplify (reduce) the rest of
the text. DONE, 12/3/2005
- To flush tmp files, for now, clean up all files in tmp/ once a week. DONE, 3/9/2006
- List
browser compatibility. DONE, 3/9/2006
- Make the Application title a link to apps.html. DONE, 3/9/2006
Accessory web pages
- Overhaul garrobo.org
page, using template from geo.garrobo.org. DONE, 2/19/2006
- Update
garrobo.org "Project Members" page. DONE, 3/9/2006
- geo.garrobo.org
main page. DONE, 11/25/2005
- geo.garrobo.org/mapache
main page. DONE, 11/25/2005
- Add reference to Connotea GIS CAEE links. DONE, 3/9/2006
GIS Datasets
- Political: countries and
departments, and indeally
municipios. DONE
- Populated areas
- National capitals, department
capitals, municipal seats. DONE
- Small
cities and towns (populated areas) from
GNS; see this
page and
this one. DONE, 10/6/2005
- Topography and shaded
- Export GTOPO30 to a geotiff
gdal, then display in Mapache, showing the three major elevation ranges
we used in our old CAEE maps. DONE, 6/2005 (gdal_translate -of GTiff
elevzones1b\w001001.adf caelevzones.tif)
- Elevation ranges. DONE, 6/2005
- Coarse-resolution shaded relief.
- Ecosystems
aggregated classes. Add polygon boundaries for all individual polygons,
to give
a glimpse of land cover variability within each aggregated class. DONE,
- Raster U.
Maryland/AVHRR 1-km,
aggregate classes. DONE, 10/6/2005
- Blue
Marble Next Generation (MODIS), April and November. DONE, 11/18/2005
- Landsat mosaic imagery, WMS
- Move layer to an Ecosystems
folder. DONE, 9/24/2005
- WDPA Protected Areas. DONE
- Real-time MODIS imagery, WMS. DONE
- Metadata
page listing minimal information for each dataset,
with URL's to source sites. DONE, 3/9/2006
- Change
the name of the "Populated Areas" layers to Populated
Sites, to avoid confusion with the layer group (folder) of the same
name. Remember to then change the Metadata entries. DONE, 12/18/2005
Symbology, labeling
- Rename Satellite Imagery
folder to Real-time data. DONE, 9/24/2005
- Labels to add:
- Countries, departments. DONE
- Populated areas
- National capitals. DONE
- Department
capitals. DONE
- Municipal
seats (only at
certain scales). DONE
small towns and cities. DONE, 10/6/2005
- Protected areas. DONE, 10/6/2005
- Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea.
Labelled them only in the reference map. DONE, 10/6/2005
Site in Spanish
- Translate garrobo.org
page. DONE, 12/18/2005
- Translate
and geo.garrobo.org/mapache pages. DONE, 12/3/2005
- Data and labelling. DONE, 12/18/2005
- Metadata page. DONE, 3/9/2006
- Mapserver
map file. DONE, 10/2/2005
- javascript
(translate user-visible
text that is stored in tree3.js and mapache_lib.js). DONE, 10/2/2005