Rivers biogeochemical database - test access

Last update: Oct. 19, 2003

Experimental access to a PostgreSQL database system running on a Linux workstation, on an Apacher web server. These are simple queries that retrieve data about sampling sites and return tables with minimal formatting. They are simply proofs of concepts used for testing code.

Here is a map generated from the shape file associated with this database. This map is generated dynamically by the server, based on the latest data. Here is a zoom on Rondonia (Ji-Parana river), also generated dynamically. The tiny red dots are the sampling sites. Better yet, I'm creating an interactive application that lets the user select layers to display zoom in and out, pan around, etc; here is the current test. It'll get better with time, and eventually it'll let you click on a sampling site and get information about it.

Simple query # 1

Retrieve sites (stations) by country, sorting by either distance from Amazon Mouth or River name

Select a country

Select a sorting type

Distance from Amazon Mouth    River Name

Simple query # 2

Retrieve sites (stations) by "transect" (sampling campaigns).

Select a transect

Simple query # 3

Retrieve sites (stations) by "transect" (sampling campaigns). This query will run as soon as a transect is selected from the drop-down menu. The selected query can be bookmarked because the selection parameter is passed to the database via the URL address.

Select a transect