Use graphics to represent yourself in a career portfolio

How can you represent your skills, abilities and strengths - in an interview - or online?

Examples of how others have represented their skills, abilities and strengths.

This will have a link to Aaron's portfolio, on MKimeldorf's site, and there will be other links to other specific examples that I have permission to use, from former students and clients, or that I have simply invented myself.

General principles

These will come from books by Carrie Straub, from Martin Kimeldorf, and from me.

Telling stories using the STAR method

The idea is to allow the portfolio materials to help you in an interview, by bringing up the topics (your skills) that you want to discuss or demonstrate in an interview. By having your particular set of skills (that relate to the particular job you are interviewing for) organized in the portfolio, you can bring them up by moving from page to page and you won't forget any, in spite of the stress of the interview. (more on this)