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May 14, 2002: ......I'd like to thank C&C staff for their excellent work...

April 17, 2002: ......You guys do great work...

March 27, 2002: ......I've recently had the good fortune to land in Nathan Dors Help "queue"....

March 1, 2002: ... thank you for making my request to C & C "seamless"...

February 12, 2002: ...thank you for the consistently courteous and prompt service

October 11, 2001: ...UW's tech staff are the best...

June 5, 2001: ...C&C gave me a concise answer that actually answered my question...

June 1, 2001: ...You guys are always SO GREAT and so fast...

October 12, 2000: ...You guys provide SUPERB support!

Subject: Course Website

I'd like to thank C&C staff for their excellent work in solving my
hs590a Website problems this morning.

I went to get some content from my hs590a course for a class I am teaching
at OHSU this afternoon when I discovered that my Website was missing.  I
contacted help via email...

Later on, staff linked my supplemental accounts to my larsson account. I
think this will prevent further occurrences of lost Websites.

I would like to thank all the folks at C&C who helped me resolve this
problem. All of them were extremely helpful and really tried to get the
problem resolved as fast as they could. Thanks to Patrick, Jonathan and a
special thanks to Bob Jamieson and to Zephyr. If I missed anyone, my
apologies. You all did good work! My anxiety level has dropped


Laura Larsson
NLM Informatics Fellow, OHSU
Clinical Faculty
Health Services, University of Washington
Device owner: Handera 330 and iPaq 3850

Subject: Webpine
Thanks for the help.  You guys do great work.  First time I've had a problem in
4 years, and I wouldn't even really call it a problem.


Eric Gilbert
Research Assistant
Polymeric Composites Laboratory - University of Washington

Subject: "Rave" report

I just want to report that I've recently had the good fortune to land in
Nathan Dors Help "queue". He provides, hands-down, the most timely, helpful,
and pleasant customer service I've experienced in....I don't know how long.
You're lucky to have him; we (particularly techno-impaired types) are lucky
to have him answer a "May Day".  Thanks! Kit Hughes

Kit Hughes, Admin Coordinator           Middle School Science Program
Phone:  206-685-6517                    Institute for Systems Biology
Fax:    206-732-1299                    1441 North 34th Street, Rm 122
Email:  Seattle, WA  98103

Middle School Science URL:

Subject: Re: WebPine colors
I want to thank you for making my request to C & C "seamless" yesterday.  I
really appreciate that you did the legwork to determine whether my problem was
a nebula or web-pine issue.  Thanks again for being customer service minded!!

Daunne Bacon Zinger          ph:     206-221-2566
Campus Alterations Manager   fax:    206-685-1877
Facilities Services          pager:  206-995-6246

Subject: note of appreciation...
> Thank you, David. I wanted to reply to you personally to thank you for the
> consistently courteous and prompt service you and your group supplies.
> Can't imagine how you can do it all!
> ed
> Edward A. Walker, M.D.
> Professor and Vice Chair
> Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
> Chief of Psychiatry, University of Washington Medical Center

Subject: About WebPine
On Thu Oct 11 11:44:27 PDT 2001, poipu70 wrote:

Yup.  (And I'm not surprised that the issue is already on the agenda. UW's
tech staff are, to say the least, among the best.)


 Don Mizokawa

Subject: SSL email connection
Thanks for the tip. Works great! Cleared all my problems up right away.
I must also say that I'm very impressed with the quality of service that
you provide to the University. This is the second problem I've had with
Eudora making secure connections, and each time C&C gave me a concise
answer that actually answered my question, instead of the kind of vague
response I've gotten used to from most Tech Support.
Thanks again,
Ella Elman
Executive Director
Commission on Colleges, Northwest Assoc. of Schools & Colleges

Subject: outlook update
I downloaded the new IE as you
suggested...  & it seems to have worked.  Once again: many thanks!!  You
guys are always SO GREAT and so fast to respond AND AND AND so good at
giving advice/suggestions in "layman's" terms.... please FW this note to the
boss.  He/she should be proud :-)

Sincerely, Jana Norton
School Counseling M.Ed. student

Subject: RE: missing messages
Thanks a bunch.  Several of those messages were very important and I've
contacted the senders.

You guys provide SUPERB support!

John Taylor

[University of Washington]
Computing & Communications
David Wall