Daily Forwarding total changes, by destination, two views

These graphs are produced by taking a snapshot each day of the LDAP forwarding data. A total is calculated for each of the destinations: UW Google Apps, UW Outlook Live, UW Exchange and deskmail. The totals are then ploted as "Count of forwarding destinations" and the change in totals from the day before are ploted as "Daily net change."

When this page gets more polished, it'll show a long term graph and a recent 60 window of how many accounts forward to the list of destinations.
Yet to come is a presentation of daily changes for short and long periods.

To see just the longer view check out Cloud forwarding graphs.

Changes to google as a forwarding destination

Changes to outlooklive as a forwarding destination

Changes to deskmail as a forwarding destination

Changes to hotmail as a forwarding destination

Changes to msn as a forwarding destination

Changes to yahoo as a forwarding destination

Other forwarding destination changes

Changes in forwarding to mailman

Changes in supplemental accounts with an email forwarding address

Changes in accounts forwarding to 'cac'

Changes in accounts with no forwarding

[University of Washington]
UW Technology Services
David Wall davidw@uw.edu
Modified: 04 June 2012