Pictures from Amanda's 1999 (5th) Birthday

amanchris.jpg       Amanda and her Uncle Chris.
balloons.jpg          A bunch of helium balloons we bought.
bcakelite.jpg         Lighting the cake.
blow.jpg               Blowing out the cake.
blow2.jpg             Still blowing.

cake1.jpg    cake2.jpg    cake3.jpg    3 views of this year's cake.

cakes.jpg             The little cakes Mary also made this year.

Also, check out the cake page which shows various cakes Mary has made through the years.

dan1.jpg                Danny at the party.
eeyore.jpg            The eeyore that Mary made for Pin the Tail on the Eeyore
poohtree1.jpg       Pooh up in the Honey Tree with the big blue balloon.
poohtree2.jpg       Another shot.

Pictures of Danny & Amanda          Pictures of Danny          1999 pictures

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