Amanda Colleen Tanigawa

I finally got some more pictures of her scanned

Finally, a picture, but you can't see 
Amanda, age 24 months

Stuff written 4/7/99 about Amanda

At this writing, Amanda is now 4 and a half years old. She loves her baby brother, but she doesn't yet understand that she shouldn't wake him up to play when he's sleeping. Thus far she hasn't exhibited any signs of jealousy towards him. Since my last writing, she has developed some pickiness in eating, though she likes to eat 'safe' things that she knows she likes instead of trying new things. If we can get her to take bites, she usually likes just about anything. She knows that she likes chocolate.

Amanda loves to read and is probably a little advanced for her age. She likes cats, but currently is afraid of dogs. Her tv favorites are Winnie the Pooh and Tom and Jerry.

Old stuff written about Amanda

Amanda was born at 10:50 a.m. on Monday, September 19, 1994. She was a breech baby, and was delivered by a scheduled C-section. There are both advantages and disadvantages to knowing when your baby is going to arrive. My wife probably has better stories to tell than I do. Amanda weighed exactly 8 lbs at birth. She was sitting up at 4 months, and crawling at 6 months. She started standing and walking along walls by 9 months, but she didn't really start walking until a bit late (15 months). There's been no going back since then though. She seems to have her mother's intelligence (lucky for Amanda). When she was about a year and a half old one of her favorite activities was to sit down with books and point to all of the pictures and have someone tell her what they are, at which point she would repeat the word. She also liked wildly drawing with her crayons (we have her mostly trained to stay on paper, not floors and walls). We've had no real problems yet with feeding her. She likes just about everything we've given her (some favorites we've discovered so far are chinese food and hamburgers). She hasn't grown very much, but considering both of her parents are short we expect her to end up shorter than average.

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