QUARTO(LOCAL) QUARTO(LOCAL) NAME quarto - PostScript N-up slicer/dicer SYNOPSIS quarto [-[234689]] [-p <pages>] [-bcdlr] [-g #] [PS file] DESCRIPTION Select pages from a PostScript file, and print in a tiled format. (The input must contain EPS-like directives '%%Page:...') -p... print the given pages; e.g., '-p1,2,4-8,12-' '-p -4' prints through page four; '-p 12-' prints from page 12 through the end; numbers are original ordinal page numbers, starting at 1 also, '-p even', '-p odd', '-p1-4,1-4,1-4,1-4' etc. -2 print 2 tiled, shrunken pages per page; # may be 2,3,4,6,8,9,16 or 25 (default 1); portrait or landscape layout will be chosen accordingly. -b don't print borders around each tiled page. -c print cut-marks for each tiled page. -d overlay a test pattern on the page. (a box around the paper sheet border, and a circle and cross in the middle; intended to help calibrate for different printers) -g # set the gap between tiles to # (12.000000) -l list the pages+offsets (don't output any PostScript). -r reverse the page order -x Lax enforcement of conforming PS standards. BUGS Currently only tested and used with a NeXT printer + A4 (letter) paper, with input in portrait orientation. It should be easy to fix for other media; check PBox, the test pattern, the calculation of 'Scale', and the macro 'pgx()' (used by the 'putNup()' routines). Enjoy at your own peril, but please send me any improve- ments. AUTHOR M. J. Hawley MIT media Laboratory 20 Ames Street Cambridge, MA 02139 mike@media-lab.mit.edu Copyright (c) MIT Media Laboratory 1991. QUARTO(LOCAL)