Therefore, see also:
Corey Satten's Transition Homepage and eventually:
Corey Satten's New Homepage.
My UW email address will forward to me should you need to contact me.
A Brief Introduction to Unix also available in PDF
Scanning Photographs With a FAX Machine!
Scanning and Photocopying Documents With a Digital Camera
Measuring Electric Power at Home Without Special Tools
Things to Consider When Buying a Digital Camera
A few Unix tools for amusement and utility.
NDC Logical Firewall and slides from a talk about it.
Pine usage statistics and graphs. Don't miss the graph showing far more hosts running Linux than any other platform!
Cyclic Knight's Tour Solutions.
Is it art or just pretty blue lines?
NINA (spirograph-like drawings) in PostScript
Archived Usenet Postings on Ultrix performance tuning, load spikes, bug fixes.
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Corey Satten