Billy's Astronomy Program


Latitude: degrees, minutes North South

Longitude: degrees, minutes West East

Beginning date (mm/dd/yy)
Ending date (mm/dd/yy)

Time: AM PM
Leave both "AM" and "PM" unchecked if the time is "now".

Time Zone: hours
If you select one of the named time zones, leave the "hours" value blank. To use a time zone other than the four in the list, click on "use the 'hours' value" and fill in the "hours" box. Fractional hours are accepted (e.g., 3.5 for Newfoundland). Use a negative number for time zones east of Greenwich but west of the Date Line. Daylight Savings Time is applied according to US rules if a named zone is selected, but it is not applied if the "hours" value is used. (Subtract one hour if giving the "hours" value and you want daylight time.)