The Perpetrator

of me, naturally

Born a long time ago in a land far far away, Alex grew up with drawing pads, The Monkees,
dachshunds, desert sun, vacations in Montana, fifty-cent double features,
and an optimism about Life In General.

Alex works at the University of Washington for the graduate program in Biostatistics,
where she handles curriculum, admissions, and records management.
In her copious spare time, she goes birding, paints, walks wiener dogs, reads a heck of a lot,
and hangs out with friends.

See also: My fantasy novel, "Immortal Quest" (Edge SF, Sep 2010) on amazon
a book I illustrated, In My Nature (by Constance Sidles)
My writing blog
My personal blog

Alex's Art

My Quick Reference List

Favorite Food: chocolate
Favorite Drink: chocolate
Education:Western Washington University (B.A. Art History); Clarion West Writing Workshop; UW Certificate Program in Scientific Illustration
Number of Vacation Miles Traveled by Train: 33,000
Number of Vacation Miles Traveled by Ocean Liner: 12,000
Number of Vacation Miles Traveled by Car: 37,000
Place I've been to that I'd like to see again someday: Cornwall (England)
Place I haven't been to that I'd most like to see someday: Florence (Italy)

Work-related email:
Personal email:

That's all she wrote, and she isn't likely to update it any time soon.

All text and images on these pages copyright Alexandra MacKenzie 2008-10.